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You are here : home > Food and Nutrition > Eat Healthy Eat Right > 10 Fruits You Must Include in Your Child's Diet

10 Fruits You Must Include in Your Child's Diet

Encouraging children to eat fruits is important as they provide many health benefits and are essential for their growth and development. Have a quick look at the 10 fruits which you must include in your child's diet.

You must have heard about the benefits of feeding fruits to your kids before. In this age of processed foods and instant packaged meals children have begun to miss out on the wholesome goodness of nature. The best way to protect your kids against modern age health issues and nutritional deficiencies is to feed them fruits regularly. Here is a list of top 10 fruits that are best for your kids.

Oranges and Citrus Fruits

Apart from being highly delicious fruits belonging to the Citrus family like oranges, lemons and sweet limes are packed with Vitamin C. This is the Vitamin that will boost the immunity of your kids and helps them fight against multiple diseases and germs. These fruits are an excellent source of fibre, potassium, minerals and foliate apart from being quite low in calories.


This is a fruit that has a very obvious benefit; it is free from Sodium. Guava has very low fat content and yet it is very effective in warding off diseases like common cold, dysentery and diarrhoea. The copper content present in Guava helps in the production of beneficial hormones in the body and regulating the working of the thyroid gland. Guava is Lycopene rich and protects cells from damage.


There is something refreshing and delicious about Pineapples that make kids fall instantly in love with them. Chill Pineapple slices in a dessert tray and serve them drizzled with a little chocolate sauce; this is an excellent dessert for kids. The best advantage of Pineapples is that they have a lot of anti-inflammatory properties which helps to digest fats and proteins without producing toxins.


This is a delicious summer fruit which has loads of antioxidants which can keep your kid protected against cell damage. Plums are excellent as a breakfast food; just slice them up into tiny little pieces and sprinkle them on top of cereals and see the difference in taste. Plums are also good for making smoothies and milk shakes. They are also rich in dietary fiber and have good proportion of Vitamin C. Make sure that you remove seeds before giving plums to kids.


The adage about an apple a day keeping the doctor away is completely true. This is primarily a winter fruit so you should take advantage of the winter months to feed an apple regularly to your child. Apart from being packed with Vitamin A, C and B; apples are also super rich in mineral content and have disease fighting properties.

Tender Coconut

The tender coconut is available mostly in summers and is so much more beneficial than mature coconuts. The water inside tender coconut will help make an excellent drink for your children as it has strong hydrating properties and good electrolyte content. Lots of vitamins and minerals are present in tender coconut and you should feed it to your children o prevent the occurrence of summer problems like heat strokes and sun strokes.


Bananas are a favourite with kids because of their sweet and tender flesh along with soft consistency. This fruit can be served as a dessert dish and it has a high source of potassium. It is also a good source of Vitamin C, manganese, fiber and carbohydrates.There are elements in Banana which promote the healthy growth of children.


Mango is also called the king of fruits because of its delicious taste and multiple benefits. Lots of fibre, high selenium content and rich Vitamin A and C content along with presence of phosphorus and calcium makes this fruit a great nutrition choice for kids. The regular consumption of mango boosts the immunity and strengthens bones and teeth.


Papaya is a wonderful tropical fruit which can be consumed both in raw and cooked form. This fruit is high in photochemical, folate and Vitamin A and C making it an ideal nutrition choice. The antioxidants in Papaya cure ingestion and the enzyme Papain cures GI tract problems.


Grapes can protect your kids from harmful radiations, stall the occurrence of degenerative nerve disease, and cleanse the blood impurities. In the long run grapes consumption can significantly improve cardiovascular health and boost immunity. Their deliciousness and versatility are also great added advantages.
Fruits are the best source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and lots more. Hence, having a fruit daily is a healthy option.

Why is it essential to encourage children to have fruits? Which fruits should be included in the diet of children? How to include fruits in the diet of children? Discuss here.

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Sneha.8 years ago
We must give fruits to kids but is not easy to make kids eat fruits.
Riya.8 years ago
If your child is making a fuss while eating fruits you can make fruit salads or smoothies. It will definitely work.
Dev.8 years ago
Fruits are very important part of child's diet. Even small babies should be given mashed fruits after they become 6 months old.
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